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Summer 2007

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Всего ответов: 137

Начало » 2007 » Май » 14
Dear participants of WEUSA program!

In accordance with paragraph #1 of your US agreement you must pay $30
for verification of your job offers.

If your first job offer was rejected by CCUSA US office because of some
reasons and you submitted a new (second) job offer, or you changed your
company and submitted another job offer, you must pay another 30 USD
for aditional verification (total $60).

The money for verification must be paid directly to your area
representative. The bank transfer costs are rather high (15 USD for each
transfer), so you will have to sign a waiver (doverennost'))))))))))..... allowing us to
transfer this sum to the CCUSA US office instead of you.

This sum must be paid before your departure to the US and not later
than May, 15. Refusal to pay this sum will be considered as a
non-compliance with US agreement's obligations and will become the ground for
immediate rejection from the ... Читать дальше »

Просмотров: 2722 | Добавил: Chingiz | Дата: 14.05.2007 | Комментарии (6)

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